Wednesday, August 20, 2014

On Ch-changes

The new school year started after a whirlwind summer.  I had a lot of Professional Development scheduled over the summer: Common Core, AVID, and Professional Learning Communities (PLC).  I also spent a great deal of my free days over at my friend Jeanne's house, learning how to quilt.  Typing that sentence instantly aged me about 15 years.  I had a bunch of old t-shirts and wanted to make a t-shirt quilt, so I'd always have the memories. So, I learned, and it came out awesomely.

The PLC conference was in Seattle, which is my favorite city in the country.  I have always dreamed of living there, but never really had the guts to pick up and move.  After being there this summer, and realizing how at home I felt (I am not someone who enjoys being in unfamiliar places), I knew it was time to make it a reality.  My bestie Erick also loves the PNW, so in the spring, we're going to start applying for jobs and we hope to move next summer.  I have family there and I'm excited about this new chapter of my life.  The only truly hard part will be being so far away from my parents and brothers and my two adorable nephews.  My brother Matt and his fiancé, KJ had a baby boy this summer.  He was born 8 weeks premature and is still in the NICU, but he should be coming home soon!  His name s Gavin and he's adorable.
Baby Gavin Ryan, about two weeks old!

Baby Bradley Hayes (who just turned 1 and learned to walk!)

I'll be back soon to vent about this new school year (yes, already!).